Deliverable 1 - Project plan
The concept is a LIVE performance.
There is a certain temporal quality to live performances that makes it so different than film and TV. More and more people are demanding of their technologies to deliver notions synonymous of instant feedback, realtime, and live. Technology is quickly adapting to these human needs with services such as Bambuser, for example. Imagine if we could come up with something that would help performance artist to make there performances more spontaneous and organic when broadcasting/performing in realtime...
The technology is already here - but is it used to its full potential?
Great tools do not build a great idea. The idea comes when someone use these tools!
(someone said something like that but I can’t remember who exactly said what actually )
The project is based on a live performance concept, where the enviroment acts towards the needs of the user, in this case the performative star - user.
It is to be created a cosy and emotionally powered zone where the user goes in. The room is dark and there’s no lights at all. The user will feel his body adpating into this enviroment. This place is just for one user at time, so he can feel relaxed, without people looking or djuging his actions.
Before the user gets inside, he shall chose the acessories he wants to use in his performance: gloves, pfeder scarf, hat, ball, skirt, umbrella,etc. Some of these tools would be monotorized automaticly to the computer that will connect to the lights.
One the user is inside the dark room, the dashboard outside the door will turn into red:
Once inside, some dance music shall start and the user would be invited to interact with the surrounding together with the acessories he’s holding. His movements and his spots of pression will start a banch of reaction in the lights creating a answering atmosphere for his needs and actions.
All of this performance shall be record and reported live, and will be kept in our archieve in order to create a final reel about this experience.
MoSCow list basically a priority checklist
Must | Fashion garments with sensors | Convincing stage and instalation | Lightning and Color | Sound | Sponsors
Should | Broadcasting
Could | Posibility to have as a clip
Wont but could next time | Instead of 1 single performance, a Band experience
David- conceptualization of idea + resource of ways to achieve it
Emma-getting sponsors, studing the possibilities
Mariana- copywriter updating our blog, our ning page, etc everything related to but it ouside,
Sigurd-check out how the technology will work in our idea
5-9 October
Research, costs, needs and testing
16th-final solution not able to be changed
montage and building up
PARTY and win going to London!!
Phidgets details still unknown