Sunday, October 18, 2009

peer review with micke anf group12

Friday 16th October 14:00
Second peer review with Micke and the group 23. theirs idea is very interesting and completly futuristic, we loved it! we both shared the feeling that everybody is so developed in their projects and trying out the technology and touching all details, and we are still stucked in finding the right stuff to performe what we want.... well let the hope & faith be with us...
the exhibition is in a week and we are still in such a baby point... anyway they, both Micke and the 12th group wondering if we would be able to make our project actually work by the 23... and we said:
we hope so!
at the first week we had two options:
Sigurd was warning the group about the technologic dificulties we could be facing in the future (very near future) and that we should have a plan B by the 14th October in case we wouldn't have all the needed tools....
well today is 18th and we're still waiting for material that will arrive tomorrow...
then David with all his passion and emotional power said:
Come on group let's believe!!let's have passion about our project and make it work! if we are already having a plan B it means we don't trust our project enought!!!
so at the end of this two reflexions we decided to go forward with our plan A and in case it doesn't work we shall embrace falling with all our power, and our head up.

So that's how we face our problem now, if it works we'll have the ticket to London ;) if it doesn't, we shall do the HYPER ISLAND's methodoly and not be afraid to fail, embracing it in its all grace.

So we made clear that we made this option consciously to what could it bring...

Anyway the group 12 and Micke really enjoyed our idea and gave us power to make it come true!
Now Emma is working like crazy taking all the rabbits of her hat in order to find sponsors to make this possible!!

it will work!
i'm sure ;)