Friday, October 23, 2009

the end of the beginning

What can I say; sometimes failing is not that bad!

After 3 weeks of hard work, it was 2 days ago when we saw that we were not going to make it for the exhibition, our prototype wasnt going to be ready. We realized we believed so much in our concept that we focused to much on the selling and design part and underestimated the tech part...and what was worst is to give it all to poor Sigur to deal with, bad choice and I understand his frustration!

It was in these last 2 days when only one thing was in our mind WE ARE GOING TO FAIL!!!We finally decided to sit down all together and talk about what happened and what went wrong, it was then where 4 people started really sharing what they felt and thought and it was beautiful to see how we could do it without hurting each others feelings. I believe this 2 hour meeting was the longest we had sat together and the first time we were really talking as a group and not as a defined role manager!

Good projects come from a team that really worked together within the entire project and fight with the same enthusiasm.

Ones we openly discussed what went wrong in our group, we finally got together and decided we HAD TO DO SOMETHING GOOD OUT OF THIS!!!We weren’t going to through away all our hard work and all the people that believed in us. It’s in these moments when its important to stand firm on your idea and not give up!!!We had a strong concept, good material and a lot of future plans like testing our prototype in the actual Globe Arena in Stockholm!

So we decided we were going to create a beautiful way of showing the jury what our idea was and how we are going to make it happen! We used all the resources around us: balloons from the kitchen, chasing down Christian our marketing director and lead singer from Fibes Oh Fibes, braking into hidden stages....putting everything we had to make it happen. And most importantly we did everything TOGETHER!

We had 1 night to pull this. We actually heard someone say FAKE IT, and we said hey yeah lets FAKE IT! lets visualize our idea, do a video with a performer dancing and we faking the lights to follow him. Well we were so luky to have our own truly ARTIST in our group DAVID!!! the man with no fear he just took the stage and performed an amazing live dancing for us and were djing the lights to follow him! Not an easy task believe me!

At the end WE HAD IT ALL! our team, a videocamara, an improvised stage, our light, our music and a lot of crazy dancing and a minized Globen arena!thats LIVE SUPPORT in its most core moment!

We went down to the exhibition center and displayed it on a table, as simple as that. We decided that we wanted to show the jury the whole parts of our process and not only a final outcome. We want them to be part of our ride, so we first had a video with our concept, then a display of the technology, and to finish our amazing video with David representing what our concept can be and will be in Globen Arena November 09!

It was our time 11.40, presenting to the jury, Mariana with all her passion toke the lead and started by telling them everything that had happen to us during this ride!!then we guided them through it all. This is one of those moments when you think its all over and life surprises you they jury really liked our idea but most surprisingly liked the angle we decided to present it, showing our learning outcomes and showing how we took over fairlure! It was incredible when we got Johansson from and Frederik Stutterheim from perfect fools personals card to talk further!!!It was quite a surreal moment but full happiness and satisfaction.

Well as we say this is not over jet, we are now off to continue this project outside hyper islands walls wait to see much much more!

